Wednesday 5 December 2012

RG RX-78-2 (Head & Weapon)

RG RX-78-2 Head

After manage to get a way to keep this blogs alive, I've tried to recall where did I save those head parts picture then I manage to get them back in action. Here you go~

Head Parts

Head parts to assemble

Inner skull

Side view 

Put on outer parts of skull

Back view
Awesome Looks
This what I loved most on this model. 

Snap Fitted

Muscle Flex Pose

Where do you wanna go?


Now fix me!

Weapon and shield parts
Weapon ready
Gwiyomi later maybe?


Core Fighter

I had a problem to fit it in nicely can see the gap at the cockpit

Walla! Fin!

Done for RG RX-78-2