Wednesday 31 October 2012

RG RX-78-2 (Foot to Leg)

Box Art



Made on 1/2/2010 2years old!

Foot Parts



Piece to assemble

Inner leg part look complicated as it was but simply awesome!

Gold color sticker on holes. Such a tiny place to stick.

Left one already snap fit and the right one not yet been assemble

Bending articulation like a boss

To be continue..

Roccat Sota & Kova

Tengah usya-usya mouse utk dibeli terjumpe la promo kat All-IT mouse Roccat Kova & Mousepad Sota sebundle RM109 aku teros sambar.. nie la hasilnye..

Siap ID card! nk gune time bile pon aku tak tau..

Tu tag harge sebenar sebelum discount

Barang-barang didalamnya

Nice packaging

Slack tade stock utk warne hitam je kalo warne itam ade confirm smart gile!


Puas hati kawenkan ngan Razer Lycosa keyboard

Thursday 18 October 2012


Yes akhirnya dapat gak aku wat..

 Terjun Tiruk

Lompat Bintang

Sentap Hati Mak Nak



Aku Rindu Sabak Bernam II

So dari B.N.O. beralih ke pantai belakang Politeknik Sultan Idris Shah Sabak Bernam

Levivation Photo Coming..